Kate Maddox’ recent article in BtoB Magazine – Fielding the Best Team – resonated loudly with me and I’m sure with a lot of other niche agencies out there: “Marketers are involved in a variety of different relationships with agencies—on the one hand, having one traditional agency to handle major integrated campaigns or, on the […]
Instagram gets mapped, Olympian plays along, and Finding the Right Fitting Bra…Online
Another week down, although it’s not like we’re counting down weeks or anything, and we’ve got some pretty interesting articles you should check out. Instagram pushes new features, McKayla Maroney continues to play along, and, if you’re a woman, you might think about this new technology for picking the right fitting bra for you (I […]
Welcome to our New Website
If we’ve seemed a little quiet lately that’s because we’ve been busy on a whole lot of fronts. We’ve got some fantastic new clients, some great work we’ve been busy with, and we’ve been building a new website. Take a look around… we’ve made our blog and all of its content more of a focus. […]
Digital Marketing Insights for 2012
As 2011 winds to a close (which frankly is hard to believe since it was just January!) we decided to roll out what will be our annual Digital Marketing Insights for the following year. Our Insights will focus on the three areas that make up our agency offering of helping companies improve their online brand visibility: […]
Achieving Online Brand Visibility with a New Website
So you’re a small business and you’re trying to score some online brand visibility. The only problem is that you’re not Coca Cola, you don’t have a huge budget, and your website is brand new. What to do? Well short of hiring a specialist or agency like Digital C4, there are some things that you can do […]
Custom Content Creation Infographic
We provide a lot of custom content for a number of our wonderful clients. It’s both challenging and rewarding. Challenging because some of our clients have sophisticated technology products and services, and writing to that audience must be done carefully. Rewarding because if done well, the content helps create awareness that helps generate and build […]
Online Brand Visibility – A Stepped Approach to Success
Search engine optimization (SEO) is only one part of online brand visibility. Or perhaps SEO is evolving into a more complex, content driven, social media engagement process that revolves around a company’s products and solutions. Having a website is great! You’ve arrived at the party, but you’re empty-handed. Does anyone know you’re there? The web is enormous […]
We’re Turning One! Where Did the Year Go?
One year ago today, my business partner Jason Nuss and I launched Digital C4, and frankly I’m blown away by two things. First I’m surprised at how quickly the year has gone by, but then it seems as I age the years accelerate. Second, I’m somewhat surprised at quickly we’ve grown.We launched C4 in the […]
Is Google Places the Place to Be?
Google just announced the launch of Google Places – which seems at first glance to be a renaming of their Local Business Center with some added features and benefits. That’s fine with me – simplification is always a good thing when involving some ancillary benefits, and I personally like the additional benefits Google is claiming. […]