You have a great product or service, but how will people learn about you if they can’t find you online? Word of mouth is a great place to start, but exposure is limited. Quality, consistent content combined with an SEO strategy will boost your search rankings and attract attention to your website.
Be known as the “Go-To” company for information in your industry. Keep your website fresh and interesting by using these types of likeable content marketing strategies.
Consistent, Interesting Blogs
Company blogs are a great place to start with your content strategy. They’re an ideal platform to offer great information or answers to questions in your industry. Not to mention, they can improve your search rankings by inserting natural, industry specific keywords.
After all, Google loves “live” websites. What does this mean? It means you’re consistently updating your website with fresh, current information. A company blog keeps your website “live” while increasing social shares and attention with great content.
Attract Attention with Appealing Images
Attractive images grab a person by their eyeballs faster than they can read a catchy title. Your content strategy should include images that make people pause to admire or stir up a sense of curiosity. Combine appealing images with stellar content and you’re reaching two important learning styles at once.
Get Personal with Stories
There’s power in personal stories. When shared well, they appeal to strong emotions and create a connective bond. Become a master storyteller and weave your audience into a greater story. Don’t be afraid to get personal and share stories about your business, yourself or your staff, and show the personal side of your product or services.
Educate with “How To” Resources
Be the industry experts with user-friendly “How To” guides and resources. Go in-depth and offer the nitty-gritty details with answers to difficult questions from you and your team of experts. Don’t be afraid to make these resources longer than a typical blog post. Long, detailed “How To” posts are typically shared more often.
Present Research or Facts with Infographics
Do you have new interesting facts, data, or case studies to share? Take potentially dry data results and breathe life into them by presenting information through infographics. This brilliant content method appeals to both visual and factual learners and is shared often on social media. Infographics can be expensive, so integrate them when appropriate – especially for new data-heavy research and statistics.
Write an eBook to Share Your Knowledge
Why not combine your industry knowledge into an easily downloadable eBook? An eBook can be in PDF or HTML format and downloaded in exchange for joining an email list. Aim for at least 10,000 words, a catchy title, professional design, and well-organized content with chapters arranged by topic.
Entertain or Teach with Videos
Appeal to visual learners with videos used to entertain or train your audience. Some may not have enough time to read a blog post, but they’ll swap five minutes of time to watch your engaging video. Change up your content strategies with multiples ways to reach different users and present information in a fresh way.
Sharing stellar content drives attention to your brand and increases social shares and ultimately traffic to your website. Need a hand with creating likeable content? Drop us a line to learn how we can curate consistent, audience-friendly content for your business.