The answer to the question “Will blogging help my business generate more leads?” is YES, but only if you do it right. Blogging is a proven way to increase inbound traffic to your site. I say “proven” because we’ve experienced it firsthand.

Our goal at Digital C4, I say goal because we don’t always achieve it, is to post at least two blog posts per week. It’s a simple goal because we know that we’re busy, but we know it’s important. We’ve experienced a 50% lift in traffic since we started blogging on a regular schedule.

Here is a grapyic from a recent Hubspot blog post that show the importance of blogging in terms of traffic and leads.

HubSpot Blog Post Frequency Graphic


So, increased traffic means increased leads, right? Well, this is where the “…but only if you do it right.” Getting a “lead” involves so much more than just getting traffic to your blog, or site. Here are 2 simple things to consider when blogging for leads.

1. Is your post worth reading? So, your strong, catchy, title and description persuaded someone to read your post. Congrats! Hopefully now the visitor will actually like what you’ve written. Good content within your post is the first step, after that catchy title, in capturing a lead from your blog. The reason why I say you need ‘good content’, maybe great content, is that seo content marketing is blowing up. It’s all the rage. More people creating content means that the quality of content will need to be great for you to stand out above the rest. Don’t cut corners on your writing, do it well. That doesn’t mean you have to write 1000 words. Just something that’s relevant and represents you, and your company, well.

2. Do you have a “call to action” on your post/page? Is there something else the reader can do if they are interested in learning more about what you’ve written, or what you do as a company? Are there related articles at the end of your post? Is there an option to contact you? Is there opportunity to leave a comment and enter into a discussion? Do you have a guide or ebook they can download after giving you their info? All these things can engage the visitor and drive them closer to becoming a lead.

Yes, blogging increases traffic, which in turn should increase leads, but it won’t if your site/blog isn’t optimized for inbound lead generation. If you’d like more ideas on how to use blogging for inbound lead generation, blog management services, or blog writing services give us a shout. We’re here to assist.